Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Android Ice Cream 'served' in July

CALIFORNIA - After announcing the presence of 2.3 or Gingerbread Android willsoon Google plans to bring the most updated version of the Android 2.4, which hascalled the name of Ice Cream.
'dish dessert' is reportedly going to be presented in the summer of this year, orapproximately between June and July. Meanwhile the official announcement of Android 4.2 Ice Cream may be done during the annual conference for developersGoogle, Google I / O that began in May in San Francisco.
There has been no comment from Google about the presence of Ice Cream betweenAndroid users. But clearly these rumors will increasingly punctuated by the presence of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc is reportedly going to use Android Ice Cream. So that was reported by Mashable, Tuesday (11/01/2011).
Before the Ice Cream, Android is already presenting new Gingerbread thenHoneycomb which reportedly will be released in time soon.
During this Android is present with the names of the dishes are adapted to cover the alphabet starting from the Donut (D), Eclair (E), Froyo (F), Gingerbread (G) andHoneycomb (H) and Ice Cream (I).


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