Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Internet Mobile drowned Web-Based Email

NEW YORK - Web-based email services are being abandoned, following theproliferation of smart mobile devices and social networking are growingphenomenally.
Based on analysis of comScore, Internet users spend time in accessing web-based email (not including PC applications such as Outlook), decreased two percent inNovember 2010 over the previous year, according to Cellular News reported on Friday (01/28/2011).
Even the Asia Pacific region experienced a sharper decline of 10 percent. The largest decrease occurred in Malaysia with 22 percent, India approximately 19 percent and 15 percent of South Korea. Meanwhile, Taiwan, Hong Kong and New Zealand would show improvement.
ComScore believes, the popularity of social networking continues to climb asignificant factor in this trend. Many Internet users now prefer to communicate via wallposts Facebook, Twitter, or other social media.
Evidently, last November, the time spent for accessing social networking sitesincreased by 44 percent worldwide, reaching 272 billion minutes. In Asia Pacificalone, user access time on social networking increased 16 percent.
Another cause of the shifting trends is a community web-based email is now moredependent on mobile phones to access email and communicate. In the United States(U.S.) for example, where mobile email access grew 36 percent, over the past year.Note similar thing happened in Europe that reached 55 percent and Japan by 53percent.

Apple Launches iTunes 10.1.2

CALIFORNIA - Apple has released version 10.1.2, an update to the latest IOSapplications favorite people, iTunes.
Brief note from the company stating that iTunes 10.1.2 provides some performancedevelopment and stability are important. Similarly, as quoted from MacWorld, Friday(01/28/2011).
The document 'Read Before You Install' which is when users download the latestversion through the iTunes site, specifically says that iTunes 10.1.2 also adds supportfor mensingkronisasikan with iPhone 4 (CDMA model).
CDMA model to the iPhone 4 also will be present through Verizon on February iTunes officially released by Apple on January 27, 2011.
iTunes is a digital media player application, which is used for playing and organizingdigital music and video files. This application also is a display interface for managingcontent on the iPod, iPhone and iPad

Lenovo Will Focus to LePad and LePhone

TAIPEI - Manufacturer Lenovo will focus on innovation and smartphones LePhoneLePad tablets. Because these devices will dominate the future market.
"Whoever loses this battle will be removed from the history of the industry," said theCEO of Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi. He also attach that his company has started sellingLePhone, iPhone competitors in China, since May.
Lenovo will also launch a competitor iPad tablet at the end of this quarter. Chuanzhihas projected sales of more than one million units within 12 months to LePhone, their first smartphone based on Android. So that was launched CBR Online, Friday(28/01/2011).
Although the current iPad tablet computers have become a market of China, it does not mean that will make Apple will continue to dominate the market the tablet in theBamboo Curtain country.
"History has proved that Lenovo is very good in the pursuit of market leadership," he added.
The reason, Lenovo has the advantage that he knew where the Chinese marketbetter. The company also announced a partnership with Japan's NECtelecommunication network. As part of the deal, both companies will transfer theassets to the business named Lenovo NEC Holdings BV in which Lenovo will have a51 percent stake.

Counter-Strike Online is now present in Indonesia

JAKARTA - PT Megaxus Infotech (Megaxus), multimedia entertainment online company in Indonesia, offered games Counter-Strike Online. Counter-Strike Online, an online game genre MMOFPS (Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter) which has long been known throughout the world. The game was assisted in its development by Nexon Corporation, South Korea and the Valve Corporation. "So far, Counter-Strike in circulation is not a game that can be played simultaneously online. Therefore we present a selection of games already known before this, which is played with an Internet connection with extra features, characters, and equipment," said Eva Muliawati , Managing Director of Infotech Megaxus. "The purpose Megaxus Infotech brings the game Counter-Strike Online in Indonesia is to restore the memories of the greatness of this game to our fans," Eva added. Currently Online Counter-Strike comes with more fun, more elements, new modes, and most importantly, online, which means that can be played by all people in Indonesia at the same time in the same time with an internet connection. Latest Features Counter-Strike Online to give the experience of playing model FPS (First Person Shooting). Counter-Strike Online provides a lot of maps, ranging from the simple to the most challenging. This game also gives quick beritme game right in front of the screen pemainnyDengan game model of maximum 16 people 16 people opponent, the players can feel the experience of war that sebenanrnya. Game Counter-Strike has received many awards and praise for his ability to bring the gamer to experience a higher gaming and interaction allowing this game could be played by all ages.

Facebook: Update Site Security System

CALIFORNIA - Facebook announced new security features designed to preventattackers are lurking users through social networking site search via the publicInternet network.
Users can browse up with "HTTPS," an encrypted protocol which preventsunauthorized piracy that can steal personal information and data.
"Facebook is currently using HTTPS, that every time your password will be sent to us,but today we are expanding the use of in order to help keep your data more secure,"wrote Alex Rice, a security engineer for Facebook, as quoted by Cellular News,Friday (28/01/2011).
"You should consider enabling this option if you have used up from the public Internetaccess points such as found in internet cafes, airports, libraries or schools," he saidagain.
But he warned that, even if the user is using HTTPS, can cause pages to load at a slower rate and that some third-party applications may not be compatible with theprotocol.
At a certain point, HTTPS will be offered as the default settings for all users. Google announced a similar initiative for the Gmail service which is roughly a year ago.

British Police Arrest Supporting Hacker WikiLeaks

LONDON - British police arrested five men who regarded the United States andEngland, as hackers WikiLeaks supporters. The suspects are known to attack the parties that their value as an enemy from WikiLeaks.
"The arrest is linked to the attack on 'distributed denial of service" (DDoS), by agroup who call themselves Anonymous, "says the London Police in a statementquoted by Reuters on Friday (28/01/2011).
While in the U.S., the U.S. Federal Investigation (FBI) claims to have issued 40 arrest warrants, as part of the investigation of the attack made by Anonymous, via asoftware they make. The software can even be owned by the public for free downloadon the internet.
"The FBI continues to work with international law enforcement in order to minimize the effects of threats Anonymous," a statement from the FBI.
The FBI added it continues to expand the investigation to cooperate with law enforcement in the Netherlands, Germany and France.
DDoS attacks allows the network from the Internet as a server is attacked andcaused it not able to work optimally for its users. This is done by Internet activists last month against websites that are considered as enemies to the site WikiLeaks.
The attack was to create a website owned by Visa and Mastercard, Amazon.comand the site of the Government of Sweden, can not operate.

The Daily Officially Launched February 2

NEW YORK - The official launch date for the iPad tablet newspaper from RupertMurdoch, who had previously postponed, The Daily, have been determined.
As quoted from Mashable, Friday (1/28/2011), the launch event will be held onFebruary 2 at the Guggenheim Museum, New York. In this event, besides attended byRupert Murdoch, will be present also Eddy Cue, vice president of Internet Servicesfrom Apple.
The launch was originally rumored to be launched on January 19, at San FranciscoMuseum of Modern Art, which Rupert Murdoch will be joined by Steve Jobs, CEO ofApple. However, absence due to Jobs are now undergoing medical examinations.
According to sources at AllThingsD, the delay is because Apple needed more time toimprove services subscribe to publications that are sold through iTunes.
It is reported that The Daily is available on the App Store with a price USD0, 99 perweek, or $ 4, 25 per month.
News Corp. reported to have hired 100 people to staff this project, which also workedside by side with Apple to make The Daily as a social media and multimedia forgood iPad

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