The research was conducted by mobile billing provider, Bango. A year ago Bangoalso publish the same survey. In February 2010 then Bango only found approximately23 percent accessed mobile sites that use wifi.
Bango survey was conducted by the method of payment and trace analysis throughthe analytical platform used by the Internet access of mobile. Bango believes the growth of media consumption triggers the user to search for a fast network connection from the wifi internet.
The increasing adoption of smart mobile devices and the popularity of tablet areseveral factors that trigger the growth of the use of wifi. This means that more andmore smartphones and tablets that were sold then use wifi even increasing.
"popular content, including music, movies, books and news, a digital content which isoften consumed by the users of mobile devices every day," said Bango CEO, RayAnderson, as quoted by Cellular News, on Friday (04/02/2011) .
Anderson further said that in the Bango data, wifi internet connection becomemethods of the most popular. For that purpose, so that the operators can be successful making money from mobile content, service providers must ensure thatthey provide a secure payment system and convenient for users