Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

50% contribution Mobile Internet from Connection Wifi

SAN FRANCISCO - More than 50 percent of mobile internet users known to be usingwifi.
The research was conducted by mobile billing provider, Bango. A year ago Bangoalso publish the same survey. In February 2010 then Bango only found approximately23 percent accessed mobile sites that use wifi.
Bango survey was conducted by the method of payment and trace analysis throughthe analytical platform used by the Internet access of mobile. Bango believes the growth of media consumption triggers the user to search for a fast network connection from the wifi internet.
The increasing adoption of smart mobile devices and the popularity of tablet areseveral factors that trigger the growth of the use of wifi. This means that more andmore smartphones and tablets that were sold then use wifi even increasing.
"popular content, including music, movies, books and news, a digital content which isoften consumed by the users of mobile devices every day," said Bango CEO, RayAnderson, as quoted by Cellular News, on Friday (04/02/2011) .
Anderson further said that in the Bango data, wifi internet connection becomemethods of the most popular. For that purpose, so that the operators can be successful making money from mobile content, service providers must ensure thatthey provide a secure payment system and convenient for users

What specifications Android Honeycomb?

CALIFORNIA - Google finally officially presenting the latest Android operating systemis run specifically for the tablet, the Android Honeycomb or 3.0. So what are the features presented in this OS?
3.0 Honeycomb Android offers an interface (user interface) 3D a very interesting andpresented specifically for large screen users. This operating system also supports a larger computing, which makes tablet faster and easier to work.
In addition to presenting the UI that supports 3D, this OS also presents a new barsystem to provide access to information and updates, and always connected with theapplication and the selected link. White Balance and flash control is also a new feature offered by Google. So that was launched from Softpedia Legal, Friday(01/04/2011).
Multitasking on Honeycomb widget allows users to browse, open, or dismiss the application that is currently running in various ways. Google officials said that the newHoneycomb work with the new graphics engine called Render-script, which was builtfor high performance 3D graphics.
With the presence of Honeycomb, predicted vendors will soon release a tablet-basedOS later than mid-2011. The vendor would not wait, taste the sweetness of honeyHoneycomb, to pursue the iPad.

Ericsson will enliven Mobile Banking Services

SWITZERLAND - Seeing a potential market, Ericsson had decided to go compete in the mobile banking service by relying on a homemade platform.
Platform was named Ericsson Money Services and the new arena will be introducedat Mobile World Congress next few weeks.
Ericsson's launch of new businesses is the result of research and proof of conceptthat has been implemented in Europe and Asia. As part of pembentuan services, Ericsson has developed a service solution end-to-end and the related business andoperational models, to meet the requirements of regulators, law and security, in cooperation with the customer service and innovative companies in the financialsector.
Mobile operators, financial institutions and other service providers, hoping EricssonMoney Services and Money Interconnect Service to expand the money supply in themobile service. They hope that will be connected in real-time, without boundaries, andwithout limit currency.
"A new market has been opened, the consumer banking will take over the phone.They are the people most of whom never had a credit card. People who have neverset foot into a bank now has the opportunity to use a virtual bank. They will alsobenefit form ease of transaction, even to the transfer service, "said Polish Mahjoub,head of Ericsson's Money Services, as quoted by Cellular News, Friday (2/4/2011).

facebook 7th anniversary

CALIFORNIA - up over the years to seven. Seven years ago, precisely February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched thefacebook.com website
Seven years ago, on the same day, Mark Zuckerberg was 19 years old and working on social networking site Facebook in a dormitory embryo Harvard. Similarly, asquoted by The JC, Saturday (02/05/2011).
Now with more than 600 million users worldwide, Facebook is present in manylanguages. Facebook is said to also have a role in helping Barack Obama'scampaign to win the U.S. presidential campaign in 2008, also became an importantcommunication tool in the protests in Iran and Egypt.
Up estimated to have annual revenue of more than $ 2 billion. Zuckerberg, who is now26 years old, has a fortune estimated at $ 6, 9 billion. Zuckerberg appeared inForbes magazine for the category effect in inudstri and the amount of wealth, alsoappear in the December 2010 issue of Time magazine, for the category of Person ofthe Year.
Zuckerberg friendship with his business partner, Eduardo Saverin now no longer exists, when he faced charges of theft of ideas made up of a group.
Now Facebook has become a place to socialize and promote, which clearly, has changed the world.

Chrome 9 Now Supports Feature WebGL

CALIFORNIA - Google make updates in its browser by presenting Chrome 9. Speed in opening the internet page is still a mainstay in this browser. Several new features presented in the Chrome 9 which was just released, including the ability to support Chrome Chrome and WebGL, which can connect directly to the Chrome Web Store. In addition, users can modify and adjust the tab in accordance with the wishes of fast and young. Launched by Engadget on Friday (04/02/2011), the presence in supporting WebGL Chrome, this browser tool lets play content or applications in desktop-based 3D. But unfortunately the online store Chrome Web Store is still only used on Amerka States (U.S.) only. Claimed by Google, Chrome 9 able to load content quickly, it looks more spacious and easy to create a site that opened surfing becomes more comfortable when opened. Google Browser Chrome continues bergeliat. Although still relatively small compared to Internet Explorer, Chrome is the most significant increase was recorded. From the Net Applications data released on the latest reports on research related to the web browser market share, show that Google Chrome has a market share of nearly 10 percent in December 2010. With these results as a whole during 2010 Google Chrome master browser appliance market up to 7.3 percent. Currently, Google Chrome users can automatically update to get Google Chrome 9 or download the latest version at http://www.google.com/chrome/.

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