Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Counter-Strike Online is now present in Indonesia

JAKARTA - PT Megaxus Infotech (Megaxus), multimedia entertainment online company in Indonesia, offered games Counter-Strike Online. Counter-Strike Online, an online game genre MMOFPS (Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter) which has long been known throughout the world. The game was assisted in its development by Nexon Corporation, South Korea and the Valve Corporation. "So far, Counter-Strike in circulation is not a game that can be played simultaneously online. Therefore we present a selection of games already known before this, which is played with an Internet connection with extra features, characters, and equipment," said Eva Muliawati , Managing Director of Infotech Megaxus. "The purpose Megaxus Infotech brings the game Counter-Strike Online in Indonesia is to restore the memories of the greatness of this game to our fans," Eva added. Currently Online Counter-Strike comes with more fun, more elements, new modes, and most importantly, online, which means that can be played by all people in Indonesia at the same time in the same time with an internet connection. Latest Features Counter-Strike Online to give the experience of playing model FPS (First Person Shooting). Counter-Strike Online provides a lot of maps, ranging from the simple to the most challenging. This game also gives quick beritme game right in front of the screen pemainnyDengan game model of maximum 16 people 16 people opponent, the players can feel the experience of war that sebenanrnya. Game Counter-Strike has received many awards and praise for his ability to bring the gamer to experience a higher gaming and interaction allowing this game could be played by all ages.


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