Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

17.7 Billion in 2011 Download Mobile Applications

HONG KONG - Mobile applications that are downloaded from online stores around the world are expected to reach USD58 billion through 2014 later. The increase was triggered by the widespread appearance of tablets in the entire world, as well as the needs of the growing smartphone operating system backed by quality. Dilontakan prediction research firm Gartner says that the number downloaded applications in 2014 it increased quite rapidly. Whereas in 2010, revenue reached only $ 5 application download, 2 billion. Gartner predicts there will be approximately 17.7 billion download an application this year, an increase of almost two times higher than last year's 8.2 billion who only download applications. Later in 2014, Gartner predicts there will be approximately 185 billion application download, starting from the emergence application store in 2008. "Although the average number of downloads the phone will remain stable, it should be stressed that the tablets will trigger more interest in consumers to download applications. This will automatically increase the average number of downloads per device," said Gartner's party, as quoted by Yahoo News, on Tuesday (01/02/2011). Added Gartner, mobile application revenues will be generated from two things, namely paid applications and advertising revenue in the application. The growth of mobile applications is driven by the stronger awareness of smartphones and tablet manufacturers to make an application store that will support the user's convenience. In addition to Apple's App Store, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung and Microsoft was determined to make a store application to jazz up their online application store. Still according to Gartner data, free applications still dominate the total applications in the world with approximately 81 percent. "Consumers will use the paid applications, if the mechanism of the payment system (online billing system) already secured," said Gartner's party.


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